About Me

"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails. I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp. I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children. I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden. I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder. I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Better late then NEVER!

The largest Shamrock in the World at the intersection of Main and the Highway

Here in O'Neill Nebraska, they take their St. Patrick's day very seriously. This is the Irish capitol of Nebraska after all. They have an annual St. Patty's day parade. We learned that this years turn out was the best in History, simply because it was the first time that it was above 40 and not snowing! We took Gracie and met up with the Bourquins and even ran into the sister Missionaries and the Pilgrims... we had a great time!
I was surprised to see such a large color guard with the Band.... it impressed me!

The Famous green horse, apparently the man isn't highly regarded in the community...He is at the bars though!

I am sure you can tell what is going on!?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nebraska Spring!

When we moved here last April, the locals tried to warn us of the famous Nebraska Winters. So when winter came, we braced ourselves. When nothing came that was reason to be afraid of winter, I thought, ok... these people are obviously wimps! Until now! Apparently, SPRING is when locals and others should fear Nebraska.
It started off with Sat. March 21... the day after the first day of spring (technically). We were in O'Neill for the annual St. Patty's day parade. We wore only lightweight shirts and came home all sporting nice sunburns. 67 degree was the high... beautiful! All thought that this was going to be a great spring.
Then came Monday, March 23. When I picked up Haydn and Weldon from school in O'Neill at 3pm, it began to hail. It hailed so hard that I couldn't hear the radio or the kids in the back. I knew that we were in a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm watch, so I keep an eye on the sky. As I was driving North on Hwy 281, I could barely see from all of the hail. When I say barely see, I mean it! I thought that I should just pull over and let some of the storm pass. A little voice in my head said - no.. no, push through Keep going! Thank heaven for the Spirit. As I turned off the highway onto our country road, the radio came back in - it had gone out for a few minutes - They reported that a tornado had been spotted 8 miles N of O'Neill on Hwy 281 and was heading our way! I flew down that country road to get home...When I got home I realized that where the tornado was spotted was about where I wanted to pull over and wait for the storm to pass. I can't thank Heavenly Father enough and we all said a thank you prayer in the safety of our basement. A friend called to see if we were okay, she had heard that the tornado had flattened a school house and wanted to make sure it wasn't ours! Thanks for the thoughts of dear friends.The road to the right is Hwy 281.. I drive it 4 times a day!

Then came Tuesday March 24. I took the kids to school and decided that since it was SNOWING, that I should wait and pick them up after school, and not run home like usual. After picking everyone up at 3pm, I drove north again on Hwy 281. The wind was blowing so hard that although it had stopped snowing, you still couldn't see where you were going. There was a police officer flagging us down to let us know that two cars had ended up in the ditch ahead, but you couldn't see so we needed to drive very slowly ahead. I barely missed a semi that wasn't driving as slowly - those guys are nuts! Then further north I saw another van with passengers in the ditch and a car a little further in the same predicament. What happens is that the wind blows the snow across the road and make a slush pile right were you can't see it and slow down in time. Not to mention that the wind was blowing so hard, it could blow you right off the road. As I was calling 9-1-1 to let them know of the other cars, I myself almost ended up in the ditch - since I hit a slush pile and the wind just blew me right off the road. I was able to save it by driving straight on the shoulder... but I thought I was going to have to add my own vehicle to the list of drivers needing help. So a long story made short, it isn't the Nebraska winters that the locals should have warned us of, it is the Springs that will getcha!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

7 Things I Love Tag

Here is the most recent picture we took for our "branch family tree"

Here is my first tag...

7 Things I Love-

1. The quiet Nebraska nights.
2. Almost hitting a wild animal every day - no I haven't hit one yet (knock on wood)
3. Emma waking up singing in her bed. Well, humming might be a better description.
4. Weldon's face the moment he spots me when picking him up from school.
5. Seeing Jeremy riding a horse and chasing cows.
6. Haydn's instinctive motherly side showing when she helps Emma to stop crying.
7. The reaction that Jeremy gets from the kids when he gets home from work. (DADDY!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

More Family Pictures

Here are a few more that I have been experimenting with on Photoshop

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